

9 (F)

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Lvl 11
2y ago

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Lvl 11
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What is 3.63 repeating as a fraction?

Suppose f = 3.63333...then 10*f = 36.3333...So that 9*f = 32.7and so f = 32.7/9 = 327/90 = 109/30Suppose f = 3.63333...then 10*f = 36.3333...So that 9*f = 32.7and so f = 32.7/9 = 327/90 = 109/30Suppose f = 3.63333...then 10*f = 36.3333...So that 9*f = 32.7and so f = 32.7/9 = 327/90 = 109/30Suppose f = 3.63333...then 10*f = 36.3333...So that 9*f = 32.7and so f = 32.7/9 = 327/90 = 109/30

When will kelvin and Fahrenheit are equal?

Let F = Fahrenheit Let C = Celcius Let K = Kelvin F = 9/5 C +32 C = K -273 F = 9/5 (K-273) +32 F = 9/5K - 491.4 +32 SINCE F = K then F = 9/5 F - 491.4 +32 459.4 = 9/5 F - F 459.4 = 9/5 F - 5/5F = 4/5 F 459.4 = 4/5 F F = 5/4 (459.4) = 574.2

How do you write a fraction?

Let f = 0.4444...Then 10*f = 4.4444...Subtracting the first from the second gives 9*f = 4So that f = 4/9.

What is -9 celsius in Fahrenheit?

-9 c. = +15.8 f.

What is 9f in centigrade?

To convert 9°F to Celsius, you can use the formula: C = (F - 32) * 5/9. Plugging in 9°F, you get: C = (9 - 32) * 5/9 = -13.9°C. Therefore, 9°F is approximately -13.9°C in Celsius.

How many degrees f is 130c?

The formulas are F=9/5 C +32 and C = (F-32)*5/9 Then (9/5) x 130 + 32 = 266°F

How do you calculate Celsius to farnhiet?

C to F: C=(5/9)(F-32) F to C: F=(9/5)C+32

What is 0.8 repeating as a fraction in simplest form?

Let f = 0.8888...Then 10*f = 8.8888...Subtracting the first from the second gives 9*f = 8So that f = 8/9.

What is -0.5 in a fraction with the 5 repeating?

Suppose f = -0.555...then 10*f = -5.555... Subtracting the first from the second gives: 9*f = -5 and therefore, f = -5/9.

What is the atomic number for F?

The atomic number of a Fluorine (F) atom is 9, meaning it has 9 protons within its nucleus.

What is the value of f of x plus 7 if f of x equals -5x-9?

Let, f (x) = - 5x - 9 Therefore, f(x) + 7 = - 5x - 9 + 7 f(x) + 7 = - 5x - 2