Stand facing north. North is twelve o clock. Imagine a clock around you. wherever your shadow is facing is the time. if it is facing 90 degrees to your right is three o clock. 180 is 6 o clock. 240 degrees is 9 o clock. you will have to imagine where the other numbers are. if you don't now angles 90=a quarter of a circle 180=half 240=3 quarters.with this skill you can't get the exact time but it can get you close with practice.
Every minute on a clock equals 6 degrees. 145 degrees would be pretty close to 5:01
well 4 in roman numerals is IV, but if it is on a clock it is IIII, and 3 is III but there is no 0 in roman numerals, so it MIGHT be IV.-III. this is probably not correct, but it is as close as i can get.
The noun form of close is close (or closing). The result of closing is closure.
It depends on scale. On a scale of 1 to 1,000,000 it is close, but on a 0 to 50, it is not particularly close.
Spring hinges close doors automatically.
behind the center console close to the firewall
5 o,clock most of the shops close!
Not even close
nine o clock . Close, but iot very close.
4 a clock
5 o clock or 6 o clock
It closes at 4 o clock AM and opens at 2 o clock AM
Eight 'o' clock
very early like monday thru saturday7 o clock and on Sunday at5 o clock your welcome
Laptops do not have a specific clock speed. The clock speed of the specific processor that is in the laptop determines the clock rate of the computer. For example, my computer runs at a clock speed of 2 GHz. Some computers even have clock speeds close to 4 GHz.
Three o clock