Well, there are 7 weeks to a day. Multiply that by 9, you have 9 X 7 days, which is
63 days.
63 days is equal to 9 weeks.
There are 9 weeks in 63 days.
9 weeks and 2 days.
9 weeks and 4 days.
9 weeks and 3 days
There are 9 weeks in 36 days. Your Welcome!
67 days is 9 weeks and 4 days
6 days and 9 hours equal how many hours?
Making the assumption that by "da", you mean days, and by "wk", you mean weeks: There are 7 days in one week, therefore, 63 days is equal to 63 / 7 = 9 weeks.
It is 9 weeks and one day.
63 days in 9 weeks
9 and 2 days