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... and reached the ground!

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Q: A 21.2 kg child descends a slide 3.5 m high and reache?
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A 21.2 kg child descends a slide 3.5 m high and reaches the bottom with a speed?

The answer depends on the incline (slope) of the slide. And, if you want a more realistic answer, a measure of the friction between the child and the slide.

A 21.2 kg child descends a slide 3.5 m high?

If the child spread themselves evenly, they covered 6.06 kg/m

A 21.2 kg child descends a slide 3.5 m high and reaches the bottom with a speed of 2.1 ms How?

Gravity x length of slide ,+ unknown factors of slide material

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When the shuttle re-enters Earth's atmosphere, it generates intense friction with the air, which creates tremendous heat. This heat causes the shuttle's heat shield to get very hot and glow brightly, resulting in the burning effect. The heat shield is essential for protecting the shuttle and its occupants from being incinerated during re-entry.

A water slide is 26feet high the angle between the slide and the water is 33.5 degrees what is the length of the slide?

length of the slide= 47.10 feet

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Your supposed to slide, but in order to get it to slide easy you have to hop just high enough to get it to slide correctly

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Sandpaper is designed to be a high-friction material. High friction on a slide means less downward force, which means less acceleration and less velocity.

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A 21.2 kg child descends a slide 3.5 m high and reaches the bottom with a speed of 2.1 ms How much thermal energy due to friction was generated in this process?

To find the thermal energy due to friction, we first calculate the initial potential energy of the child at the top of the slide which is given by mgh = 21.2 kg * 9.81 m/s^2 * 3.5 m. Next, we calculate the final kinetic energy at the bottom using KE = 0.5 * m * v^2 = 0.5 * 21.2 kg * (2.1 m/s)^2. The difference between the initial potential energy and final kinetic energy is the thermal energy lost to friction during the slide.

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