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... and what is the question? The second ball should arrive at the floor a second after the first, both should have the same speed.

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Q: A ball is thrown straight up from the edge of the roof of a buildinga second ball is dropped from 1sec later ignore air resistance?
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A rock is dropped from rest and falls for 3 seconds what is the acceleration?

The acceleration due to the earths gravitational field at the surface is on average about 9.8 m/s^2, or 9.8 meters per second per second. This means that every second you fall go 9.8 m/s faster. So if we ignore air-resistance we find that a rock dropped from rest will have a speed of 3s * 9.8 m/s^2 = 29,4 m/s.

How do you round 1.632 to one decimal place?

When rounding up if a number is 5 or more you add one to the next column. If a number is 4 or less you just ignore it. So 1.632 becomes 1.63 (2 is less than 5 so it is dropped). This then becomes 1.6 (3 is dropped because it is less than 5).

How many ways can 5 people stand in a strait line if Jessie is always third?

Not sure what a strait line is! Five people can stand in a straight line, with Jessie third in 24 ways if you ignore left-to-right and right-to-left "reflections".

How long would it take a water balloon to drop 200 feet?

if you ignore air resistance, it would take about 3.5 seconds; at ttat point where it hits the ground it is traveling at 75 mph. Because of the air drag, it may take a bit longer to hit the ground.

A cannonball is fired straight up at 50 ms Neglecting air resistance when it returns to its starting point its speed is?

50m/s. The kinetic energy (movement energy) of the ball when it leaves the gun is gradually converted into gravitational potential energy as it moves up and slows down. Eventually it reaches its highest point and stops. It has zero kinetic energy, all the energy has been converted into gravitational potential. The ball then starts to fall under gravity. The gravitational potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy. No energy is lost so the ball arrives back where it started with the same kinetic energy it left with or to put it another way at the same speed it left. If you do not ignore air resistance it arrives back a bit slower and the physics gets much much more complicated..........

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If you ignore air resistance, then they will reach their maximum height at the same time. In order not to ignore air resistance, you would need to know their shapes.

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If you ignore air resistance, weight has no effect at all.

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The acceleration due to the earths gravitational field at the surface is on average about 9.8 m/s^2, or 9.8 meters per second per second. This means that every second you fall go 9.8 m/s faster. So if we ignore air-resistance we find that a rock dropped from rest will have a speed of 3s * 9.8 m/s^2 = 29,4 m/s.

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just tel him straight that's your prob that u like him and he don't hav nethin to do with that might be then he wont ignore nemore