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30 degrees

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Q: A boat moving 12 miles per hour north is being blown off course by a 9-mile per hour wind blowing west at what angle is the boat being moved off course?
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A boat moving 12 mph north is being blown off course by a 9 mph wind blowing west At what angle is the boat being moved of course?

Angle D = 36.8699(degrees) using tan D = b/a. Hope this helps.

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6-9 angle

What is moving your hip to a 90 degree angle?

There are many things that could happen when moving your hip to a 90 degree angle such as dislocation. Moving this way is not healthy.

What does an angle is 90 degrees?

it is of course a right angle

Why do you see the trees moving when you are in the moving car?

The angle which you see the trees is constantly changing because you are moving and the trees are not.

How does moving an object at an angle affect work?

Moving an object at an angle can increase the work done on the object compared to moving it in a straight line. This is because work is equal to the force applied in the direction of motion multiplied by the distance the object moves. When moving at an angle, the force required to displace the object is split between moving it horizontally and vertically, increasing the overall work done.

Why do dolphins dive in an angle?

Because if they dive into the water at a straight angle while moving, they could injure themselves.

Will 2 acute angles always form an obtuse angle?

Of course not !Stick a 2° angle onto a 4° angle and you still have only a 6° angle.

Which shape has 4 angle corners?

a square of course

Why is Kurt Angle so good?

because he is. case closed moving on

How do record a room using a webcam?

by moving the laptop or computer by an angle.

Is 90 degrees a angle?

of course! anything up to 360 degrees is a regular angle. higher than 360 is a vertex angle.