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20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm = 8,000 cm3

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Q: A box is a cube with sides of length 20 cm what is the volume of the box?
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What is the volume of a cube shaped box with sides 15 inches in length?

15*15*15 = 3375 cubic inches.

What is the formula for volume for a square box?

A 3D object with six identical square faces and sides of equal length is called a cube. To find the volume, just cube the length of one side. For example, if a cube has a side length of 6 inches, the volume is 6*6*6 cubic inches, equal to 216 cubic inches.

How do you calculate a six sided box?

If you are after the volume, and the sides are all the same length, you take the length of one side and multiply it by itself three times (A cube has a side length of 3, what is it's volume? 3*3*3=27)

The Volume of a cubical box is 2.197 Cubic centmetre.How can you find the lenght of its one side?

The volume of an oblong is: volume = length x width x height As the box is cubical, ie is a cube, all sides are of equal length, thus: volume_cube = side x side x side = side3 So, given the volume: side = cube_root(volume) ie, take the cube root of the volume of 2.197cm3.

How do you find volume of a box?

A box is typically a cube shape. The volume of a cube is equal to length multiplied by width multiplied by height. V = L * W * H

What is the smallest perfect cube box that will fit 3 sets of 36 blocks?

Required volume = 3*36 = 108 Cube options: 43 = 64 < 108 < 125 = 53 So a perfect cube box, with sides of length 5 units would be the smallest suitable box.

How can you make a table of dimensions with the height of box is 1 cm the length of base is 20 cm and the width of base is 14 cm what is the volume of box?

volume of box=20x1x14 cm cube=280cm cube formula used for volume=length x breadth x height

What length are the sides of a cube-shaped box that contains 1 liter?

10 centimetres.

What length are the sides of a cube shaped box that contains 1 liter?

10 centimetres.

A manufacturer is using a cubic box with edges of 5.17 cm each for his cereal product what is the volume of the box?

If the box is a cube then all the sides are equal (5.17cm). To find volume multiply length x width x height or for a cube this is also 'the length of a side cubed', a3 . 5.17 x 5.17 x 5.17 = 138.19 cubic cm/cm3 or a3 = 5.173 = 138.19cm3

What is the volume of cube shape box with edges 6cm in length?

6*6*6 = 216cm3

How do you find the length of a cubical box that has a volume of 81 cubic inches?

If it is a true cube, then the length = width = height. Therefore the length = cube root of 81 = 811/3 = 4.3267....inches.