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Suppose the sides of the base are x cm, and the height is h cm.

Then the volume = x2*h = 32000 cm3

The amount of material used for the base and 4 sides (no top) is x2 + 4xh cm2

So the requirement is to minimise x2 + 4xh

subject to x2h = 32000 or h = 32000/x2

So minimise x2 + 4x*32000/x2

or x2 + 128000/x

Setting the derivative = 0,

2x - 128000/x2 = 0

or 2x3 = 128000

or x3 = 64000 or x = 40 cm.

And then h = 32000/x2 = 20 cm.

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Q: A box with a square base and open top must have a volume of 32000cm3 find the dimensions of the box that minimize the amount of material used?
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