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The answer would be 1

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Q: A boy multiplied a number with 10 and got 100 and again he divided it by 10 - what would be the answer?
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If you multiplied a number by 4, then the cube of the number would be increased by a factor of 16.

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You cannot multiply "operations" together, that is meaningless. If you are referring to a positive number multiplied by a negative number, the result would be negative.

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As tempting as it may be, "infinity" is not a number that can participate in the familiar operations of arithmetic. No actual number added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided by 'infinity' has any effect on the infinity. So the answer to the question would be: negative infinity.

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When a number is multiplied by itself, its product is called its exponent. When a number is multiplied by itself 30 times, this is the number's 30th exponent, or its 30th power. Two multiplied by two 30 times is 1,073,741,824. It has 10 digits.