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The average speed = 1/2 (initial speed + final speed) = 1/2 (15 + 25) = 1/2 (40) = 20 meters per second.

The distance traveled = (average speed) x (time) = (20 x 7) = 140 meters.

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Q: A car accelerates from 15 meters per second to 25 meters per second in 7 seconds Assume constant acceleration How far did it travel in this time?
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A car accelerates from 8 m s to 40 ms in 8 s Assume constant acceleration?

Its average acceleration is (40-8)/(8) = 32/8 = 4 m/s2

What is speed of object at 3 seconds given an acceleration of 16 feet per second squared for 3 seconds?

I assume the object starts from rest. The speed will be 16*3 which is 48m/s

How do you find the time from acceleration and distance?

You can use the formula for distance covered:distance = (initial velocity) x (time) + (1/2) (acceleration) (time squared) Solve for time. This assumes constant acceleration, by the way. If you assume that the initial velocity is zero, then you can omit the first term on the right. This makes the equation especially easy to solve.

Let v and a represent the velocity and accelerationrespestivelyof an automobileDescribe circumstances in whichv and a are parallelv and a are antiparallelv and a are perpendicular to one another?

When they are parallel, the automobile has a positive acceleration (it is speeding up). When they are antiparallel (I assume you mean at 180 degrees to each other but in the opposite direction), the automobile has a negative acceleration (it is slowing down). When they are perpendicular they have no effect on each other, therefore the car has a constant velocity.

How far does a plane fly in 15 s while its velocity is changing from 145 to 73 at a uniform rate of acceleration?

Since the acceleration is uniform you can add the starting and ending velocities and divide by two the average speed 145 + 73 = 218 218/2 = 109 (units not given so I assume Miles per Hour) To convert to Feet per seconds 109 mph X 5280 feet in a mile / 3600 seconds in an hour = 159.866667 feet per second multiply the above by 15 seconds and you get 2398 feet

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A car accelerates from 8 m s to 40 ms in 8 s Assume constant acceleration?

Its average acceleration is (40-8)/(8) = 32/8 = 4 m/s2

What is the acceleration of the stone if it is dropped from the top of a tower?

The acceleration of the stone when it is dropped from the top of a tower is equal to the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.8 m/s^2 downward. This acceleration remains constant as the stone falls towards the ground, neglecting air resistance.

Why is circular motion an example of constant acceleration?

Circular motion is an example of constant acceleration because even though the speed of the object moving in a circle is constant, the direction of velocity is continuously changing. This change in direction indicates acceleration, as acceleration is defined as any change in velocity, including changes in direction.

How long would it take to accel from 0-60 mph in 60m?

There is no real reason to assume that the rate of acceleration is constant. The only practical reason is that if you don't you cannot answer the question. A constant acceleration of approx 5.9953 ms-2.

What is the relation between force and acceleration on the basis of graph?

Use Newton's Second Law. Specifically, if you assume that the mass remains constant, then force will be proportional to acceleration. Force divided by mass yields acceleration (without friction, etc.).

What is speed of object at 3 seconds given an acceleration of 16 feet per second squared for 3 seconds?

I assume the object starts from rest. The speed will be 16*3 which is 48m/s

How do you calculate accleration?

In several ways, depending on the data you have available. One way is to use the definition of acceleration, as (difference of velocity) / time - if you assume acceleration to be constant. If not, it is the limit of this same expression, when time tends to zero.

What is the velocity of a free falling object after 10 seconds Assume negligible air resistance and a10 ms?

The velocity of a free falling object after 10 seconds is 100 m/s. This is because the acceleration due to gravity is a constant 10 m/s^2, so after 10 seconds the velocity will be 10 m/s^2 * 10 s = 100 m/s.

What does it mean to say that mass ad weight are proportional to each other?

The weight of an object is its mass multiplied by acceleration due to gravity. If you assume that acceleration due to gravity is a constant then weight would be a constant multiple of mass and the two measures would be proportional. However, gravitational acceleration varies across the earth: depending on latitude and altitude, as well as the density of rocks underneath and other local geological features. So the assumption about it being a constant is not true.

Can you assume that a object is not accelerating if its a constant speed?

No, you may not, since such an assumption is not warranted. Any change in thedirection of motion is also defined as acceleration, even though the speed remainsconstant.

How do you find the time from acceleration and distance?

You can use the formula for distance covered:distance = (initial velocity) x (time) + (1/2) (acceleration) (time squared) Solve for time. This assumes constant acceleration, by the way. If you assume that the initial velocity is zero, then you can omit the first term on the right. This makes the equation especially easy to solve.

How is acceleration affected if you apply the same force to two objects of different masses?

F=M(A), you can simply derive a formula by solving for A. So devide F by M and you get A=F/M. Then you can ask yourself, if when you increase of decrease mass what will happen to acceleration. assuming the unbalanced force is constant. soo when mass increases acceleration decreases. and when you take away mass from a body, then you can say that acceleration increases. You must assume that the force is constant. :D