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1 meter/second/second in the same direction of travel

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Q: A car moving with an initial velocity of 30 meters per second slows down at a constant rate of 3 meters per second?
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What is acceleration of a body moving with uniform velocity?

zero because the initial and final velocity is constant . so,difference bet. final velocity and initial velocity is zero

The velocity of an object moving in a straight line changes at a constant rate when the object is experiencing constant?

acceleration. If the velocity of an object changes at a constant rate, this implies it is accelerating or decelerating at a constant rate, regardless of its initial velocity.

Moving at constant velocity is also moving with constant speed?

Yes, when an object is moving at a constant velocity, it means it is moving with a consistent speed in a straight line. Velocity includes both speed and direction, so if the direction remains constant, the speed must also remain constant.

What would be the acceleration of a turtle that is moving with a constant velocity of 0.191 meters per second to the right?

The acceleration of the turtle would be 0 m/s^2 since it is moving at a constant velocity and not changing its speed or direction.

What are diifferent word for object?

a "body" "moving body" an "object" is moving with constant velocity. [OR] a "body" is moving with constant velocity.

When the velocity of a moving object stays the same it has a what speed?

When the velocity of a moving object stays the same, it has a constant speed.

What is the value of constant horizontal velocity?

In projectile motion, since , there's no force in the horizontal direction which can change the horizontal motion therefore the horizotal velocity remains conserved Vx=Vox= Vocos theta by using above formula , constant horizontal initial or final velocity can be found. since Initial = final horizontal velocity.

When the velocity of a moving object stays the same it has a?

When the velocity of a moving object stays the same, it has a constant speed.

What is the word for not moving or moving at a constant speed in the same direction?

The word is "stationary" for not moving, and "constant velocity" for moving at a constant speed in the same direction.

How can you calculate the velocity and acceleration of falling objects?

Acceleration:Always the same, doesn't need to be calculated. Acceleration of gravity = 9.8 meters (32.2 ft) per second2Acceleration of gravity is negative (points down).Velocity:(Initial velocity) + [ (acceleration) x (time) ]Positive velocity = moving upNegative velocity = moving down

Can a bus change direction of its velocity when traveling with constant acceleration?

Yes, a bus can change the direction of its velocity when traveling with constant acceleration. This change in velocity can occur when the bus is accelerating in the opposite direction to its initial velocity. The bus will slow down, stop, and then start moving in the opposite direction.

What is difference between an object moving with uniform acceleration and an object moving with a constant velocity?

A motion with a constant speed will always be moving the same speed A motion with a constant acceleration will constantly be gaining speed, and does not remain moving at the same speed.