what is the speed of pedrothat does it take to travel 672km at 2hrs
The idea is to divide the distance by the time.
2hrs and 30mins
2hrs 18mins
160 minutes
Average Speed = Distance Traveled / Time TakenVelocity = Speed and direction.Speed = 140 mi/ 2hrs = (140/2) mi/hr = 70 mi/hr.Direction = WestVelocity = 70 mi/hr west
too much too answer b****
2.5 kilometers per hour
distance=speed x time =12 x 2 =24km
what is the speed of pedrothat does it take to travel 672km at 2hrs
average time 2hrs 20mins
1.5m in 4min =36km/hr which is about the average speed of a bike race (at the lowest amateur level) for about 2hrs or so. Nothing special, but its good for you ;-D
2hrs and 9mins or 2hrs and 10mins
It would take around 2hrs and 30 mins by an average boat
The idea is to divide the distance by the time.