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210/8 = 26.25 miles per gallon

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Q: A car travels 210 miles using 8 gallons of fuel What is the unit rate?
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How much will it cost to drive 560 miles?

miles ÷ (miles/gallon) * ($/gallon) = miles * (gallons/mile) * ($/gallon) = (miles * gallons * $) / (miles * gallons) = $ So divide 560 mi by the vehicle's fuel economy, then multiply the quotient by the fuel cost.

How do you calculate MPG to Gallons?

mpg means "miles per gallon" which is calculated as the distance travelled in miles divided by the fuel used in gallons. mpg = miles/gallons → mpg × gallons = miles → gallons = miles/mpg ie if you know the average mpg for your vehicle over a distance (in miles), then the amount of fuel used (in gallons) can be calculated by dividing the distance by the (average) mpg.

How many gallons of gas used for 1160 miles?

That depends exclusively on what vehicle you're using - and what it's fuel consumption is !

How many gallons of fuel to go 950 miles at 9 miles to the gallon?

950 divided by 9 = 105.6 (to one decimal place) gallons of fuel.

What is 32 miles using 4 gallons of fuel in miles per half gallon?

32 miles per 4 gallons = 32/4 miles per 4/4 gallons = 8 miles per 1 gallon = 8/2 miles per 1/2 gallon = 4 miles per 1/2 gallon

How much gas would it take to drive 1005 miles?

That depends heavily on the fuel efficiency of the car you are using and the type of driving.If you know how many Miles per Gallon (MPG) your vehicle gets, you can calculate the fuel like this:Miles / MPG = GallonsThat depends heavily on the fuel efficiency of the car you are using and the type of driving.If you know how many Miles per Gallon (MPG) your vehicle gets, you can calculate the fuel like this:Miles / MPG = Gallons

How many gallons of fuel required to cover 700 miles at 45 miles to a gallon?

700/45 = 15.5 gallons

How much should gas cost from Denver to San Diego?

There are many factors that would determine the cost of fuel for that type of trip.First, one would need to know the approximate fuel consumption of the vehicle; for example, if YOUR vehicle travels 20 miles on a gallon of fuel, it would cost much more than a vehicle that travels 35 miles on a gallon of fuel.To calculate an estimate for the fuel cost,find the total distance from Denver to San Diego for the route that you intend to take.Determine the fuel consumption of you vehicle expressed in miles per gallon.using the formual: Fuel required = Miles / Miles per gallon, calculate the approximate fuel requirements of your trip.Next, determine how much the fuel costs on your trip. Note that it will vary, depending on where you purchase your fuel.Calculate the cost of the fuel by multiplying the total gallons by the average price per gallon using the formula: Total price of fuel = Total gallons used * average price per gallon.Have a safe and enjoyable trip.

What is 325.4 miles on 17.3 gallons?

It is a measure of the fuel consumption.

Distance between Fort Lauderdale Airport and Orlando International Airport?

The distance is roughly 213 miles A car with 32 miles per gallon can get you there using about 7 gallons of fuel.

How do you calculate mpg from total miles driven and gallons of gas used?

Divide the number of miles by the amount of fuel you used to go that distance. For example, if you traveled 400 miles and used 15 gallons of fuel, your fuel economy was -400 / 15 = about 26.6 mpg

What is the number of gas gallons needed based on mileage and fuel efficiency?

Miles driven divided by gallons used equals miles per gallon.