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Q: A case hold 24 items if 11 are removed how many items are left?
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Why would there be no more items left in the knot-hole?

It's possible that someone else discovered the items in the knot-hole and took them, or the items were removed or destroyed by an animal or the elements. Additionally, the person who originally placed the items in the knot-hole may have decided to retrieve them for some reason.

How do you drag items about on oblivion on the Xbox?

The left bumper (LB). Hold it in while the crosshair is on the item you want to drag, and the move your crosshair to drag the item.

How to Organize a Display Case?

A display case is where one can keep his or her most valued treasures or fragile items. These cases can show a person’s most prized possessions to his or her guests, but if they are too cluttered the cases and the items within them do not reflect as well upon the owner. If one instead carefully chooses which items to place in a display case and which items to leave out, and if one carefully arranges those items, a case can properly showcase the items. These suggestions can help you to achieve this goal. If you have a display case that is already filled up, you will probably need to remove everything first in order to start over. Once the items are removed, you can decide what to put back inside and what to keep out, and how to place the items in the case. To decide what to display in the case, think about which items you want to show off and see every day, and which items are better left elsewhere. For example, you may want to display your 1st place trophy, but not your 1st lost tooth. If you are having trouble with this step, think about which items actually need to go in the case. While you can display anything in it, it is mainly needed for fragile items. In other words, if you are choosing between a quality glass figurine and a special trinket from a fair, you should likely choose the figurine. However, it is important that before you begin placing you think about a logical way to organize the special treasures. To best maximize the space that you have available, you will want to place larger items behind smaller ones. This will allow you to create several rows of items on each shelf and will help you to clearly see each item. Just be sure not to place so many items on each shelf that the display case begins to look cluttered. Also, you may want to place larger and heavier items on lower shelves since they are easier to see than smaller ones, and because it will better balance out the display.

How do you change the heater core in a 99 Crown Vic?

The dash has to be remove and the evaporator/ heater case has to be removed and separated. This job is best left to a repair shop.

When land is removed from an area and left in another area is called?

removed from an area

Why can't I drag items in my inventory on Minecraft?

Click ' E ' to open your inventory. Use the mouse and left click the item you want to move ( Just click the item, do not hold the left click down ). Release to put it in a empty slot.

Where could I find a government auction of items left at airports?

Small airports generally do not hold auctions, though larger airports may hold auctions on a given schedule. Inquire the airport and ask if and when they will have an auction. MIA holds annual auctions the last saturday of july, and charges $3 to go, generally selling thousands of lost items.

Where to fill manual transmission in 1997 Volvo 850?

There is a fill plug with a 24mm head on it in the transmission case near the left side inner CV joint. It's esier to see with the left front wheel removed. Hope this helps!

Where is the heater or blower on a 1998 Oldsmobile 88?

The blower motor is removed from under the hood. Against the firewall just to the left of center you will see the blower sticking out. Five 5.5mm bolts hold it on.

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What can you hold in your right hand but not you left?

your left elbow

What can you hold in right hand but not in your left?

your left elbow