A graph or chart.
Yes, a chart can be used to display numerical data.
chart layout
Y-Axis or Value Axis
Chart is from the 1570's Middle French word charte. It referred to maps made for navigators.
A graph or chart.
Yes, a chart can be used to display numerical data.
pictograph is a visual representation of numeric data; all the quantity would be represented in this graph. where as a picturegraph is a graph showing comparision of quantities with the help of a picture for ex. bar chart, pie etc.
Chart area
A chart is graphical representation of numeric values. It's useful when you want to analyze changes in business income or sales percentages.
The cells represent individual parts of the series which are then represented as pie slices in the chart.
A chart diagram is often referred to simply as a chart, while a map is called a map.
a picture or photo chart of the leader of the Philippines
Chart Layout
chart layout