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Q: A child needs an area of 3m2 how many children can be in a building that is measured 30m by 80m?
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Why are there so many units of time?

It depends on the circumstances. Time needs to be measured in different units depending on how it's applied. For example:- Computer processing speed is measured in milliseconds Ordinary time is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. Large periods of time are measured in centuries and millennia.

What are the physical needs for infancy 0 3 years?

the child needs food, clothes and shelter of a good quality. it needs, not only its physical but also, its intellectual emotional and social needs met.

What is the perfect number of children and why?

This depends on the environment and parents. If you live on a farm or in the country, the more children, the better because they can help with all of the chores. Three children is generally a good number for parents who have a lot of time and energy while the children are babies. But when the children are older, they can begin to play with each other, so it is good for the parents to have their own house, and/or nearby parks so the kids can run around. To put the kids through school, a three-child family is usually more financially secure. Two children is good for parents with some time, with any size house/apartment. Again, the kids can play with each other. One child needs the most attention, and is often spoiled. If the parents don't have much time, it is good for them to live in a larger city or in a neighborhood with similarly-aged children so the only child has something to do. It is rarely a problem to financially support a single child. If you are unsure about how many children to have, start at one and work your way up. They are a lot of work, but the reward is immense.

Is online tutoring accurate?

No, because they go by the national curriculum and what they THINK your child know even though a tutor needs to see the child in real to get a real sense of the child's abilities.

How do you find the square footage of a hole?

You can't, a hole has volume and thefore needs to be measured in cubic footage. Square footage is a measure of area not volume.

Related questions

What is the difference between a normal child and a special child?

All children are normal. What you refer as a special child, I assume you mean special needs. Special needs children are normal children who have specific needs that need to be catered to in order to learn as a general ed. child. They may need things to be broken down for them or more repetition, or maybe even a slower pace.

How will your child benefit from attending a learning centre?

Children benefit from attending learned centers because they focus on building skills, habits and attitudes that are needed to succeed in school and in life. They will pinpoint your child's needs and get a personalized learning plan in place.

What are some needs of African children?

pretty much the same as any child.

Can a mother take her child support if she is not working?

A mother can use the child support in any way that fulfills the needs of the children. She needs it even more if she's not working.

Which is not a reason why child care provider needs to have knowledge of child development?

Child care providers need to have knowledge of child development so they can work with the children properly. Not all children will develop at the same time and this is okay.

Is bathing important for children?

Everybody needs to be clean. Child or not. It's healthy for us

Can a child get held in foster care if the mother is her only living parent?

Yes. Foster care is for children who are in need and are not being properly cared for. It is based on the child's needs. It doesn't depend on having or not having parents.Yes. Foster care is for children who are in need and are not being properly cared for. It is based on the child's needs. It doesn't depend on having or not having parents.Yes. Foster care is for children who are in need and are not being properly cared for. It is based on the child's needs. It doesn't depend on having or not having parents.Yes. Foster care is for children who are in need and are not being properly cared for. It is based on the child's needs. It doesn't depend on having or not having parents.

What are child rearing practices in India?

child rearing practices are those practices, which are done to rear a child. it includes total care of a child, from basic needs to protect rights of children.

What are social needs for child?

Children's social needs are placed easily into three main sections; to touch, to..... And two others that I seem to have forgotten

Why you need nursery?

your child needs to go to nursery to learn how to read, write and talk. Nurseries help young children socialise with other children. and teach them basic stuff by playing with the child.

Who do practitioners help children to express their needs and feelings by?

the practitioner should help children express their needs and feeling because children should be well look after. Children have the right to express themselves as they have emotions. Asking questions to the children to see how they feel and you should generally show empathy. You should be supportive and get to the child's level to show understanding and make the child feel more comfortable.

How does the Montessori method encourage independence in children?

each child is viewed as an individual with unique learning needs.