Data means chunk of information. When lots of data store in single space then it's called file.
its called data redundancy.
The word chunk has one syllable.
the data which is accepted is called ACCEPT DATA!
Extreme numbers in the data as compared the the rest of the data are called OUTLIERS.
Data means chunk of information. When lots of data store in single space then it's called file.
Data moved from on PC to another in chunks is called frames.
Meteoroids :)
Yes. A comet or asteroid can break up to form a chunk of rock called a meteoroid.
An iceberg chunk is called a "bergie bit." These are smaller pieces that have broken off from larger icebergs.
Mikey, Chunk, Mouth, Sloth, Data, Stef, Andy, Brand, Troy, and The Fertelie's
The Goonies
It's called a 'Packet'.
Chunk-a-chunk Big chunck Chunk-a-chunk Big chunk Open wide for Chunky!
The information collected from an observation is called data.