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At least one of them...not enough information

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Q: A class has 23 students the median height is 5ft 2 in How many students are 5 ft 2 in or taller?
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Is the sixth tallest in his class and he is also the sixth shortest in his class?

From the given information, one can infer that the subject is in a class of 11 people. In addition, he has the median height among all students in his class.

The mean height is 5 ft 4 in how many students are in the class?


Why do students in a class vary in height?

All the people have different heights, no matter what their age is. Some students in a class would be eating a particular kind of food, or being fan of sports or just studios, which decides their height. And not all students are of the same age in a class. There may be students with late admissions, etc. And in colleges or universities the ages may vary upto 3-4 years.

In a class of 28 six graders all but one of the students are 12 years old which two data measurements are the same for the students age and what are those measurements?

mode is 12 median is 12

Is the class interval where the median lies just the same as the median?


What is the meaning of median class in statistics?

The median class, is all of them added together and divided by the amount of classes.

Height of the average 11 year old?

well im 11 and a half and im 4"10 and im alot taller then many people in my class and school

Im 12 years old and 147cm is that average height for a 12 year old?

well some of the 12 years old girls in my class are like 150 or taller!

How are class boundaries made in median?

loe me

What is the class median for step length?


Why the median changes by changing the size of class intervals in frequency ditribution?

Because median is the mid of the class intervals. Therefore, it is a positional measurement. Hence, if the size of class interval increases or decreases then the middle position will also increase or decrease and thus median.

How do you use the word median in a sentence?

Just say.... I will/am learning how to find the median in Math class.