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Q: A closed line on a plane whose points are not equally distant from A CENTRAL POINT?
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What is parallel the part of speech?

The word parallel is an adjective. It means to be equally distant at all points.

What is the point from which all points on a circle are the same distance?

This is the center of the circle. From the center of the circle, all the points on the circle are equally distant.

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All of the points on a perpendicular bisector are equidistant from the endpoints of the segment.

What do you call the point from which all points on a circle are equally distant?

EquidistantIt's called the center or origin of the circle. All points on a circle are equidistant from the center

What is a sphere in geometry?

A sphere is any round object having the surface equally distant from the center at all points in all directions.

What part of speech is the word parallel?

The word "parallel" can function as both an adjective and a noun. As an adjective, it describes things that are side-by-side and equally distant at all points. As a noun, it refers to lines or planes that run alongside each other and never intersect.

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I am a geometric solid with one face that is curved. My surface is equally distant from my center at all points. What am I?

What is the definition for center?

cen·ter[sen-ter]nounGeometry . the middle point, as the point within a circle or sphere equally distant from all points of the circumference or surface.Basically, the middle of any shape or area.

Which principle states that in the pressure at any point in a fluid in a closed container is transmitted equally and unchanged?

Pascal's principle states that the pressure at any point in a fluid in a closed container is transmitted equally and unchanged to all other points in the fluid. This principle helps explain how hydraulic systems work and is important in understanding fluid dynamics.

What is the set of points in a plane that are equal distant from a fixed point called?

A set of points in a plan that are equally distanced from a fixed point is called a circle. equation of a circle is: (x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2 Center = (h, k) Radius = r Since Radius (can vary for different circles on that plan) is at equal distance throughout the plan we can therefore say that a set of points in a plan that are equally distanced from a fixed point is called a circle.

What is the shortest distant between 2 points?

i have no clue you try to figure it out

The dinner of a tree trunk 23 inches what is circumference?

Just multiply the diameter by pi. 23 * 3.14 = 72.22. 72.22 inches is the circumference.