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Q: A composition of two or more voices one of which is based on a previously existing chant melody?
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The different voices or instrumental lines of a sound of the melody in a musical composition is what?


What name is given to a musical composition in which two or more voices sing in the melody but start at different times?


What has the same melody and the same words?

A round is a type of musical composition where multiple voices sing the same melody but start at different times, creating harmonies. The most famous example is "Frère Jacques" (Brother John) which has the same melody and words but starts at different times.

How is fugue different than canon?

A fugue features a single theme, the "subject," that is introduced and then imitated in different voices, creating a complex polyphonic texture. In contrast, a canon involves the repetition of a melody in different voices, with each voice entering at a set time interval and playing the same melody, creating a layered effect. Ultimately, a fugue is more rhythmically and harmonically complex than a canon.

What is your singing voice part?

it is the melody or succsesion of tones for one of the voices or instruments

Singing a melody without alternating voices or groups is called?

direct psalmody

What do you call a composition of sixteen voices?

Simply it's a choir. So 16 voices is a choir of 16.

What does arrangement mean in music terms?

Arrangement, in music terms means to alter the original composition so as to: make it usable for another instrument; make the the rhythm different; make it usable for voices instead of instruments, etc. Any way you alter a composition to make it sound differently without altering the melody is an arrangement.

What is the performance of a single melody by 2 or more voices beginning at different times?

That's a "round".

What is The melody of a jazz song called?

The official defetinion is:contrapuntal composition in two or more voices, built on a subject (theme) that is introduced at the beginning in imitation and recurs frequently in the course of the in the related links box below for the wikipedia article on the fugue.

Any composition using two or more independent voices?


What is a Musical composition for voices and instruments based on a religious theme?
