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That is why i dont have fish

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Q: A cubic foot of water weighs about 62.5 pounds If an aquarium is 18 feet long 10 feet deep and 12 feet wide what is the approximate pounds-per-square-inch pressure on the bottom of the tank?
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Related questions

What is an aquarium substrate?

Its the rock, sand, gravel, whatever on the bottom of an aquarium.

What is the best aquarium bottom feeder?


What fresh water aquarium plant will grow along the bottom of the aquarium and spread out in a circle?

Moldy cheese or an eyeball

What is the best type of stone to line the bottom of an aquarium?

Anything labeled safe for aquarium use. Beyond that, it depends on what type of fish you are keeping, and whether or not you have plants, for which type of aquarium substrate (gravel or other lining for the bottom) should be used.

If you want to plant Elodea to Triops DLX aquarium with rocks and rocks that glow in dark is it possible to add aquarium sand to the bottom of aquarium below the rocks?

yes you can

Is it ok not to put anything at the bottom of aquarium?

I would say yes it would be ok not to put anything at the bottom of the aquarium. Gravel, stone and plastics are usually used for appearance. If it is a freshwater aquarium and if you plan on using live plants then gravel is necessary.If it is a salt water aquarium then it is necessary to use live rock and live stone.

Are bottom fish poisonous?

No! :)No freshwater aquarium fish to my knowledge is poisonous.

What kind of ground do snails need to live in to live in an aquarium?

They can just live in an aquarium with the normal pebbles on the bottom that all fish live in.

Why is it hard to reach into an aquarium and pick up something on the bottom?

Refraction - bending of lights.

Where is Kenta in Maple Story?

You can find Kenta in Aqua Road. Head into the Aquarium and one of the portals will bring you to the Aquarium Zoo. You can find Kenta at the bottom of the zoo map.

How did my fish tank magically clean itself?

I suggest that you learn more about your fish in your aquarium. One of your fish might be a bottom sucker which means that they eat all of the dirt on the side or bottom of your tank. If one of your fish are bottom suckers, that's probably the reason why your aquarium is clean. If none of your fish are bottom suckers, than somebody must be secretly cleaning your tank for you.

Is there more pressure at the bottom of a bathtub of water 30cm deep or at a bottom of a pitcher of water 35cm deep?

The pressure at the bottom of the pitcher of water 35cm deep is higher than at the bottom of the bathtub of water 30cm deep. Pressure in a fluid increases with depth, so the deeper the water column, the greater the pressure at the bottom. This is due to the weight of the water above exerting a force on the bottom.