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Q: A cubit is the distance from your elbow to the end of your middle finger describe the problem that will occur if your friend measures a table in cubits and you measure a door opening in cubits to see?
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How do you measure exterior frame door width?

You are supposed to measure the "rough" opening. This is distance from the studs that line the door opening. (not from the door frame itself) Top to bottom then from side to side. If you already have a door there and are just replacing it then you can just measure the door and get one of the same size. Good luck.

What is the Homograph to be a short distance away OR to cover a opening?

The homograph for "a short distance away" is "close," and the homograph for "to cover an opening" is "seal."

What measurement is used to measure the opening of the cervix?

The opening of a cervix is typically measured with centimeters.

What do you use to measure the opening of an angle?

A protractor.

How to describe a patient opening their eyes?

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How do measure your windows to be sure the air conditioner fits?

Measure the opening of the window and not the glass it's self.

What is primative system of measurement?

Using any portion of your body to measure a distance. As an example, out-stretching your arms to quickly determine if the clothes dryer will fit through the doorway. My great-grandfather was always using his fingers and forearms for rough measurements of things. Using his left hand/forearm, he'd measure how wide the pig was, then go over to the fence and be sure the opening was smaller than that! No tape measures, laser systems, or high-fallooten devices used... and the pig didn't mind, either!! :-)

What is is system of measurement?

Using any portion of your body to measure a distance. As an example, out-stretching your arms to quickly determine if the clothes dryer will fit through the doorway. My great-grandfather was always using his fingers and forearms for rough measurements of things. Using his left hand/forearm, he'd measure how wide the pig was, then go over to the fence and be sure the opening was smaller than that! No tape measures, laser systems, or high-fallooten devices used... and the pig didn't mind, either!! :-)

What is the distance between vaginal opening and cervix?

5 to 5.2 inches

How do you measure anogenital distance?

Anogenital distance (AGD) is measured as the distance between the anus and the genitalia, either the base of the penis or the vaginal opening. It is typically measured using a ruler or calipers while the individual is lying down in a relaxed position. AGD is an indicator of prenatal androgen exposure and has been used in studies related to reproductive development and health.

What is the mimimum distance for a window opening and a boiler flume?

A window opening is simply one of those topics that is vital, and that takes experienced ministership about

Which terms describe the creation of an opening between the large intestines and the body surface?

A "colostomy"