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Q: A cyclist must travel 800 km how many day will the trip take if the cyclist travel 8 h day at an average speed of 16 km h?
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How long to go 300 miles by car?

this depends on how fast your average speed is 300 miles / average speed in mph = how many hours you will travel

It is often stated that many forms of transport transform chemical energy into kinetic energy Explain why a cyclist travelling at constant speed is not making this transformation?

Actually, a cyclist is. The chemical energy from the food that the cyclist ate is being changed into the kinetic energy on the bicycle. Even if the cyclist is traveling at a constant speed, there is some degree of resistance that must be overcome in order to maintain the constant speed.

How many hours will you take to travel 429 miles by car?

About 9 hours if the average speed is 55.

How many hours does it take to travel 56.0 miles?

Depends on the average speed travelled. At 56 miles per hour average it will take 1 hour. The distance needs to be divided by the average speed to obtain the answer.

How many miles did a truck travel if they drove for 13 hours?

That would depend on the average speed. If the average is 50 mph, they drove 650 miles.

How many miles per hour does mars travel when orbiting the sun?

An average speed of 53,979 miles per hour

How many hours does it take to drive 770 miles?

This depends on how fast you travel and for how many miles you travel at different speeds as your speed is very unlikely to be constant the whole way. If you work out your average spend then use time = distance/average speed this will only give you a rough estimate.Hope this helps.

How many hours are in 721 miles?

There are no "hours" in any distance. If the question is really "How long would it take to travel 721 miles?" then the answer depends on the average speed, which depends on the mode of travel.

How many hours in 140 miles?

The units are incompatible as a direct conversion. Given an average speed of travel it could be calculated how much time it would take to travel a given distance.

How many miles per hour are you going if you travel 3 miles in 24 minutes?

Your average speed is 7.5 miles per hour.

A car travels at an average speed of 52 miles per hour How many miles does it travel in hours 4 and 45 minutes?


A car travels at an average speed of 64 miles per hour How many miles does it travel in 3 hours and 30 minutes?

224 miles