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The experimental probability for the die in question is 12/80 = 0.15

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Q: A dice is thrown 80 times It lands on a six 12 times What is the probability of throwing a six?
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How do you work out the probability that a biased dice will land on a six is 0.35?

You roll it many times. The probability that it lands on a six is the number of times that it lands on a six divided by the number of times the die has been rolled.

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Since it is a fair coin, the probability is 0.5

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The experimental probability of a number cube that lands on 5 four times in a twenty toss trial is Pexp(5) = 4/20 = 1/5 = 0.20 = 20%

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It is 0.347, approx.

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1/2, or 50% since you are only asking what the probability of the last outcome is.

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The answer depends on where the arrow is being thrown!

How do you work out the probability that a biased dice will land on a six is 0.35 when the dice is rolled 400 times?

If it lands on a six 140 times then the estimated probability of a six is 140/400 = 0.35

What is the probability of getting a multiple of 3 or 4 in throwing a dice?

It depends on how many times you throw it! On a single throw, the answer is 0.5

A fair coin is flipped three times what is the probability that the coin lands heads each time?


What is the probability of throwing one dice twice and getting a 1 both times?

The probability of throwing a dice an getting a 1 is 1/6. The probability of gettinga 1 the second time is 1/6. The probability of both events, getting a 1 the firsttime and a 1 the second time is; P(1,1) =(1/6)∙(1/6) =1/36 =0.02777... ~ 2.8%

How do you calculate experimental probability?

Experimental probability is the number of times some particular outcome occurred divided by the number of trials conducted. For instance, if you threw a coin ten times and got heads seven times, you could say that the experimental probability of heads was 0.7. Contrast this with theoretical probability, which is the (infinitely) long term probability that something will happen a certain way. The theoretical probability of throwing heads on a fair coin, for instance, is 0.5, but the experimental probability will only come close to that if you conduct a large number of trials.