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The odds are 1/36

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Q: A die has 6 faces what is the probability of rolling two 4 in a row?
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What is the probability of rolling 2 threes in a row with a single six sided die?

The probability of rolling a 3 with a standard die is 1 in 6. The probability of doing that two times in a row is 1 in 6 squared, or 1 in 36.

Is it true that the probability of rolling a six with a fair die five times in a row is?

The probability of rolling a six with a standard die five times in a row is (1 in 6)5 which equals 1 in 7776 or about 0.0001286.

What are the chances of rolling a six on a die six times in a row?

The probability of rolling a six on a die 6 times in a row is 1 in 46,656, or 0.000021433. The calculate that, the probability of rolling one 6 is 1 in 6. Simply raise that to the sixth power to get 1 in 46,656.

What is the probability of you rolling a 3 on a single die three times in a row?

1 out of 100

What are the probability of rolling a five on one die three time in a row?

i hate this place

What is the probability of rolling a 5 on one die 3 times in a row?

3 out of 18

What is the probability of rolling 2 sixes in a row with a single die?

It is a certainty. If the die is rolled often enough, the probability that two consecutive rolls show a six is 1.

What is th probability of rolling six three times in a row with a six sided dice?

Assuming that the die is a "normal" one (it has the numbers 1 to 6 and that it is fair), then the probability of rolling six three times in a row is 1/6*1/6*1/6 = 1/216 = 0.00463 The probability of rolling six three times in a row eventually is 1 (ie a certainty).

Probability that an event will not occur?

To find the probability that an event will not occur, you work out the probability that it will occur, and then take this number away from 1. For example, the probability of not rolling two 6s in a row can be worked out the following way:The probability of rolling two 6s in a row is 1/6 x 1/6 = 1/36Thus the probability of not rolling two 6s in a row is 1 - 1/36=35/36.

What is the probability of obtaining 2 ones in a row when rolling a fair six sided die?

If you roll the die often enough, the probability of getting a 2 ones in a row is 1. In only 2 rolls, the answer is (1/6)*(1/6) = 1/36

What is the probability of rolling 5 on one die three times in a row?

In the long run, it is a certainty. In the first three throws it is 1/216.

What are the odds of rolling a 3 4 times in a row?

The probability of rolling a 3 on a die are 1/6. Since each roll is an independent event, the probability of rolling a 3 4 times in a row is (1/6)4 or 1/1296.The odds of something happening are the chances of it happening vs. the chances of it not happening. The chance of not rolling a 3 4 times in a row is 1-(1/1296) or 1295/1296.Therefore the odds are 1:1295