Yes, it is true.
Yes, it is true.
Yes all counting numbers are whole numbers, but the reverse is not true (zero!)
all the numbers are the same
That is how an identity is defined. If the solution was not true for all numbers, then it would not be called an identity. In fact, it should be true for all complex numbers as well.
Yes, it is true.
It depends, many people do count 0 as a natural number, but MOST do not. So for most HS text book, the answer is NO, all whole numbers are not natural numbers and the reason is 0 is a whole number but not a natural number.
Yes all counting numbers are whole numbers, but the reverse is not true (zero!)
It is true.
Yes, it is true.
Yes all counting numbers are whole numbers, but the reverse is not true (zero!)
Ye it is true that all irrational numbers are real numbers that can't be expressed as fractions.