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r=12 pi=3.14
area= 3.14(12^2)
=3.14 times 144

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Q: A fire ranger can see a distance of 12 miles from a firetower. How many square miles can be observed?
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How many square miles can be observed from a 12 mile distance?

Miles measures distance. Square miles measures area. Therefore, you can not compare the two. It is like comparing feet and cups.

If a forest ranger can observe 12 miles how many square miles can he see?

452.38896 square miles

How do you find the distance around a square?

The distance around a square is four times the length of one side.

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A sonic ranger uses sound waves to detect objects, but the efficiency of sound waves decreases as distance increases due to factors like air resistance, scattering, and absorption. This limits the sensor's ability to accurately detect objects far away.

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There is only one common framing distance in a framing square. The main framing distance in a framing square is a steel square.

What are the two most common framing distance as given on a framing square?

There is only one common framing distance in framing square. The most common framing square is called steel square.

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A Chi-square table is used in a Chi-square test in statistics. A Chi-square test is used to compare observed data with the expected hypothetical data.

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On a gravitational force vs distance graph, the relationship exhibited is an inverse square relationship. This means that as the distance between two objects increases, the gravitational force between them decreases proportionally to the square of the distance.

How does distance affect intensity?

Distance affects intensity by following the inverse square law, which states that as distance from a source increases, the intensity of the source decreases by the square of the distance. This means that the further you are from a source of intensity, the weaker the intensity will be.

What is the perimeter of a square of side 15 centimeter?

Perimeter is the distance around. Therefore the distance around the square is 4*15 or 60 cm.

What is the relation between power and distance?

Power is inversely proportional to distance. As distance from a power source increases, power dissipates or decreases. This relationship is described by the inverse square law, which states that the intensity of power decreases by the square of the distance.