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Q: A graph is constructed such that time is the x-variable and distance is the y-variable If you plot the distance that light travels on the graph and it travels at a speed?
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A graph is constructed such that time in hours is the x-variable and distance in miles is the y-variable If you plot the distance that a space shuttle in orbit travels on the graph and it travel?

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Is an airplane a material that travels?

An airplane is material constructed into a flying machine that travels.

A graph is constructed such that time in hours is the x-variable and distance in miles is the y-variable If you plot the distance that a car travels on the graph traveling at a speed of 60 miles?

If a car travels at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour, then the graph of distance vs. time will be a straight line with a slope of 60. This means that for every hour that passes, the car will have traveled 60 miles. The equation for this line would be y = 60x, where y is the distance traveled in miles and x is the time in hours.

How does distance and time affect the speed at which something travels?

Because distance/time = the speed at which something travels.

The distance in which a wave travels is known as?

The distance in which a wave travels is known as wavelength. It is the distance between two consecutive points in a wave that are in phase.

Determine the units of a caterpillar's speed if you measure the distance the catapillar travels in centimeters and the time it takes to travel this distance in minutes?

determine the units of a caterpillar's speed if you measure the distance the caterpillar travels in centimeters and the time it takes to travels this distance in minute

What is how far something travels?

The distance

What planet travels the most distance around the solar system?

Neptune travels the most distance per revolution around the Sun.

who can anser me The distance light travels in a year is called?

The distance light travels in a year is called light-year

What is the word for the horizontal distance a projectile travels?

The horizontal distance a projectile travels is called range.

What is the definition of how far something travels?

The word for how far something travels is distance.

What is the distance a wave travels over time called?

The distance a wave travels over time is called wavelength. It is the distance between two consecutive points in a wave that are in phase.