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Q: A historic museum charges a rental fee plus 2 per hour for an audio tour guide The total cost for 4 hours is 12 Find and interpret the rate of change and initial value?
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If i have the initial and after temperature how would i be able to find the change in temperature?

You can find the change in temperature by subtracting the initial temperature from the final temperature. For example, if the initial temperature is 20 degrees Celsius and the final temperature is 30 degrees Celsius, the change in temperature would be 10 degrees Celsius (30 - 20 = 10).

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IN general change is defined as the difference of initial from the final. So change = Final - Initial. Hence change in momentum = Final momentum - initial momentum

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Generally they don't interpret them, they introduce and change them as they see fit.

Why two positive charges repel with increasing velocity and decreasing acceleration?

As two positive charges approach each other, their electric fields interact, causing a force of repulsion between them. The increasing velocity is a result of the repulsive force overcoming the initial attraction between the charges. The decreasing acceleration occurs because as the charges move closer, the electric field between them weakens, leading to a reduction in the rate of change of their velocity.

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To find the constant rate of change is by taking the final minus initial over the initial.

Difference between floating charges and fixed charges?

Floating charges will change and fixed charges will stay the same. The stipulations should be detailed in the fine print or contract regarding the specific charges.

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Ratio of change in GDP to an initial change in aggregate expenditures what?

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How to get initial accelaraion?

To calculate initial acceleration, you need to determine the change in velocity over time. Initial acceleration can be calculated using the formula a = (v - u) / t, where a is the acceleration, v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, and t is the time taken. By plugging in the values for initial and final velocities, along with the time taken for the change, you can find the initial acceleration.

Two charges are separated by a distance d If one the charges is doubled while the other is tripled what happens to the force between the charges?

The force between the charges will increase since both charges have increased. The force follows an inverse square law, so an increase in charge magnitude will lead to a proportional increase in the force.

What is considered a chemical change?

A simple asnwer: a change which involve the modification of the initial molecule.