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The energy required is roughly 3600 seconds/hour x24 hours/day x1 joule/second=86400 joules /day.

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Q: A human heart consumes about 1 joule per heartbeat about how many joules of energy must food furnish to a person each day to supply this energy?
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How many Joules of electrical energy does a 100 Watt light bulb consume from the electrical supply in 2 seconds?

In 2 seconds, a 100 Watt light bulb consumes 200 Joules of electrical energy from the electrical supply (100 Watts * 2 seconds = 200 Joules).

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The energy used by a 40W bulb in one second is 40 Joules. This is because power is defined as the rate at which energy is transferred or converted, so if the bulb consumes 40W of power in one second, it uses 40 Joules of energy in that time period.

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The reaction consumes more joules than supplied by the technobabble. The large Hadron Collider produces collisions in the order of 1 microjoule per particle. Outside of America energy food energy is often expressed in joules instead of calories.

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the energy unit is called joules

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810 joules / 30 minutes = 810 joules / 1,800 seconds = 0.45 joule per second = 0.45 watt.By the way:-- The battery supplies the energy at the rate of 0.45 watt.-- The radio uses or consumes the energy at the rate of 0.45 watt.

How much work does a 75 watt bulb do?

In the sense of 'work' as force moving through a distance, a light bulb does none of that. But in the sense that mechanical work is equivalent to energy in other realms, the 75-watt light bulb consumes 75 joules of electrical energy every second, and radiates 75 joules per second of energy in the form of light and heat.

What is the metric unit for measuring energy?

Joules are the metric units used to measure energy. When you are working with any form of energy you state them in joules.

What is the unit of measuring kinetic energy?

Joules, all energy is measured in joules.

What is kinetic's energy unit of measure?

Joules, all energy is measured in joules.

What is the conversion from joules of energy to watts of energy?

Power (watts) is a measure of energy transfer over time, while energy (joules) is a measure of total work done. The formula to convert energy in joules to power in watts is: Power (watts) = Energy (joules) / time (seconds).

How many joules of energy does a 100 watt bulb require each second?

A 100-watt bulb requires 100 joules of energy per second. This is because power is a measure of energy consumption per unit time, so a 100-watt bulb consumes 100 joules of energy every second it is turned on.

What type of energy is measured in joules?

All types of energy may be measured in Joules.