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Q: A letter or symbol that may take one or more than one value?
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How did xenon get its Symbol Xe?

just take the non from the name xenon! you dumb!

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any letter can be a variable

Letter in algebra that can take any value?

R "all reals"

WAP in java to take alphabet and print ascii value for it?

Remember that chars in Java are just a special version of ints. Cast the char as an int and you get the Unicode value for it. Fortunately, the group of characters including letters and numbers have the same value in both encoding systems. for (char letter = 'a'; letter <= 'z'; ++letter) { System.out.println("ASCII of " + letter + " = " + (int) letter); }

What is xix mean in roman numerals?

19. The rule is "any place you see a symbol of lower value then the next, take its value away from that next one". I is less than X so IX is 9, and XIX is 19.

What i need is the symbol to click in order to take a email photo?

the camera symbol

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No. But there can be more than one data point which has the same value as the mean for the set of numbers. Or there can be none that take the mean value.

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1 to 14 days or more

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