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Q: A letter or symbol that represents a quantity that can change is?
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What do you call a symbol usually a letter that represents a quantity?


What Greek symbol represents the change in quantity?

The symbol is called DELTA and looks like a triangle. -----> Δ <----

What is the symbol of velocity?

The symbol for velocity is "v." It is a vector quantity that represents the rate of change of an object's position with respect to time.

What is a symbol that represents an unknown quantity?

It is a variable and is expressed as a letter as for example it could be x or y

What is a symbol that represents an uknown quantity in an equation?

a variable

The name for the triangle symbol that means change in?

The triangle symbol that means change is called the delta symbol. It is commonly used in mathematics and science to represent a change in quantity or variable.

Why Q is the symbol of flow?

I believe it is because Q represents quantity

In the symbol AB the letter A represents a?

In the symbol AB, the letter A represents the starting point or origin of the line segment.

What is the quantity symbol for resistivity?

The quantity symbol for resistivity is the Greek letter rho (ρ).

What symbol represents change?


A symbol used to represent a quantity that can change?

A variable

In enquations imvolving velocity the traiangle symbol means?

In equations involving velocity, the triangle symbol typically represents the Greek letter "delta," which signifies a change in the given quantity. So, when you see the triangle symbol in a velocity equation, it usually denotes a change in velocity or acceleration.