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attributed to Winston Churchill, British orator and former Prime Minister.

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Q: A lie gets half way round the world before the truth Can Get Its Pants On?
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Did Christopher Columbus believe the world was round?

Yes, everyone knew it was round in 1492. The ancient Greeks figured it out that the world was round thousands of years before Columbus.

Why didn't Jesus know the world was round?

Jesus did know that the world was round. Everyone, even before the time of Jesus knew that the world was round. All anyone had had to do was look at the sun during sunset or the moon at night to realize that the Earth too, was round.

When A lie travels round the world while truth is putting her boots on?

This phrase suggests that false information spreads quickly and widely, while truth takes longer to become known. It highlights the challenge of combating misinformation in today's fast-paced world where rumors and falsehoods can easily overshadow facts and evidence. It underscores the importance of verifying information before believing or sharing it.

When the world was flat before they found out it was round where was Australia?

The world was never flat. It has always been round. Australia has always been in the same place, i.e. the southern hemisphere.

When did Winston Churchill say A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on?

Almost certainly never, using those words at least. In British English 'pants' means 'underpants', which would be a strange and inappropriate thing to say in the first half of the 20th century. There are no well-documented quotes using the more likely 'trousers' either, which means it should be regarded as doubtful.

Have astralea played in the world cup before?

Yes in 2006 and made it to the round of 16

Who led the expedition that proved that the world is round?

It was well before man explored that it was a known fact that the earth was round. The Ancient Greeks had that figured out thousands of years before the first ship hit the water.

Does the word world imply that the world is round?

No, the word "world" does not inherently imply that the world is round. It refers to the entire expanse of human existence or a specific area, and does not specify the shape of the Earth.

Which explorer discovered the world was round?

No one. The explorers all ready knew the earth was round well before they began exploring. This is a fable that they didn't know.

What is the most greatest truth in the world?

Death is the greatest truth in the world.

Was the world flat before?

no the world has always been round. but it was believed that the earth was flat because pioneers never traveled far enough to know then some one was smart enough to realize the earth was round.

Did Columbus discover the world was not flat?

No. The fact that the world is round was well known to the educated epople of Euorpe long before Culumbus was born.