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Q: A line ray or segment that cuts a segment into two equal pieces and form 90degree angle with that segment?
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What divides a segment or angle into 2 equal parts?

A segment bisector or angle bisector. A bisector can be a line, line segment, or ray.

Do the diagonals of a square cross at right angle?

yes and they intersect at 90degree each diagonal divides the other diagonal in 2 equal parts

When you an angle you cut it into three equal pieces?


When you trisect an angle you cut it into equal pieces?


When you an angle you cut it into three equal pieces.?


What is an angle biscector?

Nothing since there is no such word. However, an angle bisector is a line segment that divides an angle into two equal parts.

How do you find the point that divides a line segment according to a given ratio?

-- ADD the two numbers in the ratio.-- Then divide the line segment into that many equal pieces.-- From one end, count off a number of pieces equal to either number in the ratio.-- At the point after that many pieces, the two parts of the line segment on either sideof it are in the desired ratio.

Do the diagonals of a rectangle have to be perpendicular?

Nope, in order for the diagonals to be perpendicular the shape must be a square (which I guess is a type of rectangle :). The diagonals will cross, but not at a 90degree angle, unless the sides are of equal length.Not unless the rectangle has 4 equal sides, making it a squre.

What does it mean to bisect a segment or an angle?

It means to divide it into two congruent (equal measure) segments, or angles.

Which shape has 2parellal sides and equal diagonals which do not cross at 90degree anglewhich?

A parallelogram perhaps?

When you trisect an angle you divide it into how many equal pieces?

3. trisect means three

Can a segment bisector split a segment into two equal parts?

The term bisector means that bi is the two of something (a cycle with two wheels is a bicycle, for instance). Therefore a bisector will split a segment, area, angle, into two equal parts.