

Best Answer

0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105, 120, 136, 153

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Q: A list of triangular numbers up to 166?
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List all the triangular numbers up to 36?

1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36

What are the triangular numbers up to a hundred?


What are all the triangular numbers up to 200?

0,1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45,56,68,81,95,110,126,143,161,180,200. That's all the triangular numbers up to 200! I hope that's helped anyone with any thing.

What two consecutive numbers add up to 333?

166 and 167

What 2 triangular numbers add up to 43?


What are the triangular numbers up to ten thousand?

1'3'10 etc;

Find two whole numbers whose sum is 166 and difference is 32?

Let x be one of the numbers. Then the other number is 166 - x. Given that their difference is 32, we can set up the equation x - (166 - x) = 32 and solve for x. This yields x = 99 and 166 - x = 67. So, the two whole numbers are 99 and 67.

What two triangle numbers make thirty eight?

28 and 10 are both triangular numbers and add up to 38

A list of square numbers up to 200?

1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144,169,196,225,256,289,324,361,400 All the square numbers up to 20!

A list of triangular numbers up to 120?

Formula for the nth Triangular Number: t(n) = 1/2n(n + 1) OR t(n) = (n2 + n)/2 t(0) = 0 t(1) = 1 t(2) = 3 t(3) = 6 t(4) = 10 t(5) = 15 t(6) = 21 t(7) = 28 t(8) = 36 t(9) = 45 t(10) = 55 t(11) = 66 t(12) = 78 t(13) = 91 t(14) = 104 t(15) = 120 For a more extensive list, or for more any more information about the Triangular Numbers, type "Triangular Numbers" into Google. You'll find lots of helpful websites there.

What are the triangular numbers up to 60?

1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55.

How do you find the average in a list of numbers?

First, you add them all up. Then you divide what you've got by how much numbers you've got in the list.