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Q: A little thing such as smiling at someone could be considered self-disclosure. True False?
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The cast of Smiling Dan - 1913 includes: Joe King as Smiling Dan Ann Little as Betty Brown Robert Stanton as Carrol

What do smileys mean?

Smileys are more properly called emoticons. They are those little text symbols that represent a face -- for example is someone smiling (tilt your head to the left to see it better)

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The obvious approaches of someone acting like he or she likes someone is when he or she does the obvious flirts such as being a little clingy sometimes, smiling a lot while around you etc., I would look out for the most "modern" flirting things!

Who is juvenile dating?

Dating as if you were just shy little toddlers, smiling, sitting together and holding hands.

How do you give a boy a hint you like him?

pretty much just talk to him and flirt a little by smiling at him or by winking

Someone insulted me and this girl smiled and told someone about this and they told me they smiled because they like me?

Well, I wouldn't jump to a conclusion because it could be her smiling because of the pain you faced (emotionally), I'd wait a little longer to see what her next move is, it's better to be safe than sorry.

What if a little girl was crying and Greg Heffley cuddled her up and sang to her softly?

She would suddenly calm down, smiling.

How do you react when boys flirt?

1-flirt a little back 2-act calm and normal remember keep smiling!=)

If someone is staring at you and that girl is the one you like what should I do?

You can start by smiling back at her. If she goes a little red in the face of quickly turns the other way she is embarrassed or shy. When she is alone introduce yourself and talk to her about your favorite bands, music artists, etc. Then ask her out.

What does a little bit of kindness goes a long way mean?

The phrase a little bit goes a long way is very simple to explain. It means that the smallest gesture can mean something larger. For example something as small as a smile can mean the world to somebody.

What does it mean when a cute girl stares at me four a couple of seconds and smiling a little?

This probably means that she's trying to get you to recognize that she's interested.

What does it mean when you look at a guy and you cant stop smiling?

When you look at a guy and you can't stop smiling it means that he gives you a certain feeling like butterflies in your stomach and this emotion is caused because you like this guy.....and soon enough he'll acknowlegde this and maybe get to know you a little more.