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Q: A man goes 5 km towards east then he takes a turn to south west and goes 5 km he again takes a turn towards northwest and goes 5 km with respect to the point from where he started where is he now?
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I can only answer this after learning, in a nutshell, what "things have happened" means. Maybe if you share a bit about what happened to cause her to loose respect for you, you'll get some answers. you do realize that you started the question by saying "YOUR girlfriend doesnt show ME any respect" right?

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That's been hapening to mine too.I took out the AR adn didnt turn on the DSi for about a day and then it started woking again!And now it wont work again....i had to push the AR towards the top screen and it picked it up but every time i started it it said "ERROR-RESTART THE DSI"or something like that.but then after a while it started to not work again....its thinking of buying a new AR.....

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Yes . Don't come up to him aggressively but do confront him in a mature way . If he did ask another girl out don't wait fr explanations . That just shows his lack of respect towards you and will do it again .

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It really depends what you did in order to lose his or her respect...for example: If you cheated on this person and you want to get their respect back then prove that you have changed and just DON'T do it again! and the same goes for every situation, prove them wrong and you will gain their respect through time again, but if they have given you that chance too many times then try to change before trying anymore...

What are some ways students show respect for other students It's not a HOW TO Question?

This is HOW TO show respect 1. Show respect 2. Dont disrespect 3. Obey the master 4. There is no number 4 sorry, try again 5. Show respect even more harder even more harder harder and harder and harder 6. bye 7. Hello again, this is some ways to show respect 8. Show respect 9. Try your best to be nice 10. yeaaa. Hope this helped, im gunna go AGAIN 100. im back

What does the word recommenced means?

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It started again last Sunday on CBS.