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The son is 15 years old.

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Q: A man is 25 years older than his son The sum of their ages is 55 How old is the son?
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What percentage of women will date a man 20 years older than her?

100% if they fall in love with you

How many syllables are in the seven ages of man?

In the words "The seven ages of man" there are seven syllables.

A man is 27 years older than his son and 10 years from now he will be twice as old as his son how old is each now?

M=27+s m+10=2s 44 and 17. Don't know what the algebra is above...

How could the oldest man in the Bible be 969?

In the old testament days men are recorded to live well over 950 years. But that was well before the time sin came well in the world. the last man to live 900 odd years is Noah. Then as the people lived in sin , god punished them with the flood of 40 days. And from then according to the bible in psalms 90 , mans lifespan is 70 years only.-----------------------An interesting characteristic of the lifespans of the ages of the legendary heroes of the Hebrew Bible is that they can be represented by series that always involve the number 17. For example, if we look at the first men in the biblical genealogies, we see:NameLifespanPatternAdam9307x9 + 51x17Seth9125x9 + 51x17Methuselah is depicted as special because he was the oldest man in the Bible. He became a father at a multiple of 17 years (187 = 11x17 years) and died at a multiple of 17 years (969 = 57x17 years). Even ignoring the consistent pattern in the lifespans of the biblical heroes all the way down to Joshua, there is only 1 chance in 289 that the oldest living man would become a father at a multiple of 17 and then die at a multiple of 17 years. These ages were assigned by numerologists in an age of superstition, not by nature.

Where in the bible does it say man live one hundred and twenty years?

There are places in the Old Testament where is says that a man lived 120 years, 400 years, 600 years, and in the case of Methuselah, 900 years. Modern Biblical scholarship holds that this was a reference to the accumulation of their wisdom as opposed to the average man - not a precise reference to their age.

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(edit)--If the man were underage or similar ages it is usually not prosecuted. If the man is a few years older then watch out!!!!! You have a baby !!!

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man up.

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Yes, he is married to a man four years older than him.

What percentage of women will date a man 20 years older than her?

100% if they fall in love with you

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the man born in 334BC is older. 290 years older

Is Aria older than Mike on Pretty Little Liars?

MAN! I LOVE THAT SHOW! Aria is older than Mike by two or three years

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If you marry an older girl Is that biologycally harmful for us?

No. For a man to marry a woman up to about 10-15 years older than he is, is practically ideal.

Can 16 years old girl date a 20 years old man if one of her parnets agree to it?

its up to you but i would wait till you was a bit older to date someone who is four years older than you.

Was the king in the middle ages always older thae the queen?

AnswerUsually, because the marriage contracts were made when the woman was a young child or baby and when she got of age she married the man who she was contracted to marry. MoreFamously, King Henry II of England married Eleanor of Aquitaine, a woman who was eleven years older than he was.