Average speed = (delta-X) / (delta-T) = (10 miles) / (2 hours) = 5 miles per hour
10 miles = 52800 feet in 7200 seconds = seven and one third fps.
curved straight random
78 on an average scale of tests
A panda eat shoots and leaves
Yes. Assuming that when it leaves the track the only forces acting on it are friction. Gravity will affect its trajectory in the vertical plane, though.
10 miles = 52800 feet in 7200 seconds = seven and one third fps.
The Walking Stick is a vegetarian and diets on leaves.
Neomarica gracilis or walking iris has sword like leaves.
Walking sticks usually lay their eggs in the soil, or on the underside of leaves.
They eat the leaves and green shoots of plants.
You can get them by talking to your Pokemon while walking.
Northern walking sticks like to munch on Oak leaves and Hazelnut leaves
curved straight random
By drinking rain drops of the leaves
They eat the leaves and green shoots of plants.
The veins in the leaf are straight, going from the base of the leaf straight to the tip, as opposed to branching. Grass is an example.
The veins in the leaf are straight, going from the base of the leaf straight to the tip, as opposed to branching. Grass is an example.