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the average speed is 50 because 60+ 40= 100 divided by 2 = 50 and remember add them up and divide by the number of numbers you have

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Q: A man traveled from A to B at 40 miles per hour and then from B to A at 60 miles per hour what was his average speed during the entire journey?
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What measures the speed during a entire trip?

The average speed measures the speed during an entire trip. It is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

Why is average speed not always the same as final speed?

Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken, while final speed is the speed at a specific moment in time. The average speed takes into account the entire journey, while the final speed only considers the speed at the end of the journey. This means that fluctuations in speed during the journey can cause the average speed to be different from the final speed.

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Ruth and Naomi traveled from Moab to Bethlehem on foot. They walked the entire journey due to the lack of other means of transportation during that time.

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The actual speed can change all the time. You can calculate the average speed by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time.

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I think that Marco Polo's account of his journey along the silk road puts paid to the idea that people did not travel its entire length.

Is the total distance divided by the total time?

Yes, to calculate the average speed, you divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to cover that distance. This gives you the average speed for the entire journey.

How do you tell the average of speed?

To find the average speed, you would divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. This calculation gives you an overall average speed for the entire journey.

How do you find the average speed of an object with changing speed?

To find the average speed of an object with changing speed, you divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken. This will give you the average speed over the entire journey.

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202.5 mph

Dividing the total distance by the total time is what?

Dividing the total distance by the total time gives you the average speed. This calculation tells you how fast you are moving on average throughout the entire journey.

What was her average velocity for the entire trip?

To calculate average velocity, you would divide the total displacement by the total time taken. If you have those values, you can plug them into the formula to find the average velocity for the entire trip.

How does a car's average speed differ from instantaneous speed?

The average speed of a car is how fast it averages over a span of time. Instantaneous speed is how fast the car is moving at any given time which is measured using a real-time speedometer.