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Q: A map has scale of 3 cm18km. if riverside and smithville are 54km apart then they are how far apart on the map?
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What was the wind speed of the tornado in Smithville Mississippi?

The tornado that struck Smithville, Mississippi on April 27, 2011 had a peak wind speed of 205 mph (330 km/h), making it an EF5 tornado on the Enhanced Fujita Scale.

How far apart in reality are two cities that are 14 in apart on the map?

depends on the scale of the map...

How many degrees are lines of longitude?

That depends on the scale of the map you use. On a small scale map (Remember, small scale = big area) longitude lines may be 10 or 15 degrees apart, while on a large scale map, they are probably one degree apart or even 15 minutes (one quarter degree) apart. We can measure them as finely as you want to.

What is an example of a scale?

An example of a scale would be how much you Weigh now then how much you used to way and a scale can tell you how far apart your weight is now. So technically its something to help you measure things and tell how far apart things are.

What does the scale of a map indicate?

The numerical scale on a map shows how many units of measurement taken from the scale represents the actual distance on the ground. If a and b are 2 miles apart on the ground, the a and b shown on the map should also represent 2 miles apart when measured on the numerical scale.

How many miles apart are two points that are two and a half inches apart on the map?

It depends on the scale of the map.

What does the numerical scale of map indicate?

The numerical scale on a map shows how many units of measurement taken from the scale represents the actual distance on the ground. If a and b are 2 miles apart on the ground, the a and b shown on the map should also represent 2 miles apart when measured on the numerical scale.

What is the scale on a map that shows two cities that 400 mil apart as 2.5 in. apart?

I need the answer too for my homework :D

What size is a 1 in 50000 scale map?

The scale doesn't tell you anything about the size of a map. If it's a 1:50000 scale, then the only thing you know about the map is that a pair of points that are 1 inch apart on the map are 50,000 inches apart in the real world.

What does F5 stand for?

It doesn't really stand for anything, apart from the F for Fujita scale. 5 is the highest on that scale for tornado intensity.

How many centimeters apart are the grid lines on a topographic map of scale 1 to 40000 and what distance is that?

Without seeing the map, we cannot answer this question. Your map should indicate the scale, and the gridlines will be labeled with coordinates from which you can figure out how far apart they are.

Two cities on a map are 8 cm apart . if the map scale is 2 cm 1 km how far are two cities apart in reality?

In this question of scale, if the two cities are 8cm apart and the scale is equal to 2 cm per 1 km, then the cities would be 4 km apart.