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Q: A material has a linear thermal expansion coefficient of 17 x 10-6 is 5.88m long at 28C. What is the change in length at 96C?
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Linear expansion apparatus?

A linear expansion apparatus is used to measure the change in length of a material in response to a change in temperature. It typically consists of a sample material mounted between two supports, with a mechanism to control the temperature. By measuring the change in length as the temperature changes, the coefficient of linear expansion of the material can be determined.

Will the volume change in the container?

If the container is sealed and no gas is allowed to enter or exit, then the volume will not change. However, if the container is open and gas can enter or exit, then the volume may change depending on various factors such as temperature, pressure, or addition/removal of gas molecules.

What is the thermal expansion coefficient for hydraulic oil?

The thermal expansion coefficient for hydraulic oil typically ranges from 0.0007 to 0.0008 per degree Celsius. This coefficient represents the change in volume of the hydraulic oil per unit change in temperature. It is important to consider when designing hydraulic systems to account for thermal expansion effects.

How is coefficient of thermal expansion measured?

Coefficient of Linear thermal expansion (CLTE) = Alpha Alpha=(change in length)/(original length*change in temp) =Meters/(meters*Celsius) =m/mC (meters cancel leaving...) =1/C =C^-1

What three factors affect how much an object expands or contracts as its temperature changes?

The three factors are the: material properties (coefficient of thermal expansion), temperature change, and original dimensions of the object.

What is thermal expansion and explain its two types?

Thermal expansion is the tendency of a material to change in volume, length, or area in response to a change in temperature. The two main types of thermal expansion are linear expansion, where an object grows in length in one dimension, and volumetric expansion, where an object expands in all dimensions.

What is coefficient of superficial expansion?

The coefficient of superficial expansion refers to the ratio of change in area to an increase in its temperature. It measures the expansion of a Laminar surface.

What is the relationship of coefficient linear expansion to actual expansion?

The coefficient of linear expansion is a constant value that quantifies how much a material expands per degree Celsius increase in temperature. The actual expansion of an object can be calculated by multiplying the coefficient of linear expansion by the original length of the object and the temperature change.

What is the coefficient of thermal expansion of 50 percent liquid Caustic Soda?

The coefficient of thermal expansion for liquid caustic soda at 50% concentration is approximately 0.0008 per degree Celsius (1/°C). This value indicates how much the volume of the liquid will change with temperature variations.

What is define coefficient of area expansion?

The coefficient of area expansion measures the relative change in area of a material with respect to a change in temperature. It is a material property that quantifies how much a material expands or contracts as the temperature changes. It is denoted by the symbol α.

How do you calculate compression of metals if they cooled under -73 degree temperature?

Either the question is misworded, or more information is needed. Compression implies load; in order for a peice of metal to be loaded by a temperature change, it would need to be rigidly restrained by something with a different coefficient of thermal expansion. If you mean what is the dimensional change, that is answerable. It is as follows: (original size) X (coefficient of thermal expansion) X (temperature difference) = (change in length) You need to look up the coefficient of thermal expansion, and make sure you get the units right: /°C or /°F

Does the coefficient of linear expansion depend upon length describe?

The coefficient of linear expansion is a constant for a given material and doesn't depend on the length of the material. It represents the fractional change in length per degree Celsius of temperature change.