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h + vt -4.9t^2=54925 10+10v-4.9(10)^2=54925 500+10v=54925 10v=54925-500 10v=54425 v=5442.5

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Q: A model rocket was launched to an altitude of 54 925 feet how many feet above 10 miles did it travel?
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A model rocket was launched to altitude of 54925 feet. How many feet above 10 miles did it travel?

It travelled 2125 feet.

A model rocket was launched to an altitude of 54925 feet. How many feet above 10 miles did it travel?

It travelled 2125 feet.

A model rocket was launched to an altitude of 54325 feet how many feet above 10 miles did it travel?

54325-(10*5280) = 1525 feet

How many feet above 10 miles will it be if a rocket was launched 54925 feet?

2,122.56 feet above 10 miles.

What is the angle for maxium altitude?

A baseball, cannonball, or other projectile launched at a 45° angle above the horizon will achieve maximum horizontal range. A projectile launched straight up will achieve maximum altitude, but you kind of have to watch it and be careful when it returns.

Who was the first to send a rocket into space?

The first rocket to reach space was the German V-2 rocket, launched by Germany during World War II on October 3, 1942. It reached an altitude of 189 km (118 miles), crossing the boundary of space at 100 km (62 miles) above the Earth's surface.

When did the first rocket go into space?

The first rocket to reach 100 km (the height now recognized as being officially in space) was an unmanned German V-2 Rocket, in June, 1944.The first satellite to reach Earth orbit was Sputnik I, launched by the USSR on October 4, 1957.The first manned spacecraft was the Vostok I capsule carrying Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961.

How long does it take for a rocket to reach space?

It takes a rocket around 8-10 minutes to reach space once it has been launched, depending on the specific rocket and its trajectory. The boundary of space, known as the Kármán line, begins at an altitude of 100 kilometers (62 miles) above Earth's surface.

How do satelites orbit the earth?

Satellites get up in to space by being launched in a rocket. Once at the altitude necessary for their mission, they separate from the rocket and then orbit the earth.Different kinds of satellites orbit at different heights above the earth. Weather satellites, GPS satellites, and communications satellites all perform different tasks.

What altitude do you get altitude sickness?

The lowest recorded case of serious altitude sickness (HAPE) was at 2500m in a climber in Japan. However, most people need to travel above 3000m and stay there for at least 12 hours before symptoms of altitude sickness develop.

Altitude is the angle measured above the?

Altitude is the angle measured above the horizon.

How long does it take to get to space from earth?

It takes about 10 minutes to reach space from Earth using a rocket. Once the rocket is launched, it needs to reach a speed of about 17,500 miles per hour to break free from the Earth's gravitational pull and enter space, which is typically defined as starting around 62 miles above the Earth's surface.