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Q: A negative result of free trade agreements would be?
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marissa subtracted a negative number from a positive number. her result was negative. is that reasonable?

No. When you subtract negative numbers, they have the same effect as if you added a positive number. In this scenario as described, the only result would be a positive number.

How do you subtract a negative fraction from a negative fraction?

In the same way that you would answer a fraction subtract another fraction. The result could be either positive or negative, just as is the case with negative whole numbers.

How do you multiply a fraction by a negative number?

Using the same principles as multiplying a negative whole number by a positive whole number, where the result would be a negative, the product of a (positive) fraction and a negative whole number would equal the product of the two, with the minus sign included. For example, 1/2 x -4 = -2. The same rule can be applied the other way around, multiplying a negative fraction by a positive number would produce the same result.

How do you multiply negative four and negative twenty-two?

Well, first you notice that both signs are negative and in math when a negative is multiplied by a negative the result is positive. So, all you have to do is multiply the numbers by each other and then remember that both signs were negative and so your answer is positive. If it were -22 x 4 or 22 x -4 the result would be negative because only one number in each has a negative value.

Why does the square root of -25 have no real solution?

Because the square root of -25 would be that number that, squared, would equal -25. No number, positive or negative, can result in a negative square. Since -25 is a negative number, no number, positive or negative, can be squared to equal -25.

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Which would be a responsibility of the World Trade Organization?

Monitoring international trade agreements would be a responsibility of the World Trade Organization.

What would be a responsibility of world trade organization?

To monitor international trade agreements.

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One positive result is that it prevented Mongolian invaders to enter China and raid people's houses. One negative result is that China would have trouble going to other countries for trade.

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free trade agreements]

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positive because if it would be negative it would be way on another subject.

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A decrease in trade for the United States

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Congress took corrective action by passing the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934, which empowered the president to reduce tariffs by 50 percent on goods from any other country that would agree to similar tariff reductions.

Supporters of NAFTA and free trade would contend that such agreements?

stimulate democratic reform and open markets in areas in need of improvement.

Who would be most critical of these statements about Free Trade Agreements?

a USA worker whose job has ben outsourced to a foreign country

What organizations would a country most likely join to be part of a global set of agreements about import and export policies?

World Trade Organization

What were trust agreements?

two or more companies that combined with the purpose of raising prices and lowering output, giving the trustees the power to control competition and maximize profits at the public's expense. These trust agreements would result in a monopoly.

marissa subtracted a negative number from a positive number. her result was negative. is that reasonable?

No. When you subtract negative numbers, they have the same effect as if you added a positive number. In this scenario as described, the only result would be a positive number.