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When you write a very large number, say seven digits, then you place a COMMA ( NOT a period) , at every third number.

e.g. # 1234567 = 1,234,567

The period/Full stop is only used to delineate decimals.

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Q: A number in the millions has how many periods?
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How can periods and places help you read a bigger number?

They usually chunk the number into triples so that you can easily work out thousands, millions, billions, trillions and so on.

How many periods are in the number 1 million?

There is actually none.

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How many periods are there in the numeral 67 254 376?

If you use the European method of separating the number sections, then there are two periods (67.254.376). If you use the US method, then there are no periods (67,254,376).

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