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Q: A number is decreased by 65 percent to 203 what is the original amount?
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If 4 is decreased to 1 the decrease is what percent of the original number?

It is 75%.

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The final result is 10.4% more than the original number.

How do you find out percent if you have original amount and new amount?

First you subtract the new number from the original number then divide it by the original number and multiply that by 100 original-new __________*100 original

How do find the percent decrease if the original amount was 45 and the new amount is 27?

I think you subtract the new amount from the original amount and then move the decimal over twice to the right of the number and that's your percent. :)

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It decreased by 7.761%

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If you multiply a number by 1.25 the answer will be the original amount plus 25% of the original amount. This is quicker and easier than figuring 25% and then adding.

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When 180 is decreased by 40% the result is 108.

When a number is decreased by 20 percent of itself the result is 20 What is the number?

When 25 is decreased by 20% the result 20.

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120 times 75%=90 90+120=210

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