A number is divisible by another when the remainder of the division is zero.
A number is divisible by another when the remainder after division by that number is zero.
All numbers are divisible by 1. So, apart from the number 1, all numbers are divisible by another number. These numbers are therefore prime or composite.
When it is a factor of that number
if the number is not divisible by another number
The fat that it is divisible means that the remainder must be zero.
If you can divide a certan number by another number it is divisible by that number.
A number is divisible by another when the remainder after division by that number is zero.
All numbers are divisible by 1. So, apart from the number 1, all numbers are divisible by another number. These numbers are therefore prime or composite.
if 2 multiplied by another number equals that number it is divisible by 2
When it is a factor of that number
When it is a factor of that number
if the number is not divisible by another number
The fat that it is divisible means that the remainder must be zero.
A composite number.
No its not
One number is divisible by another number if that division results in an integer.