A hectagon is a polygon with 100 sides. To draw a picture of a hectagon, start by drawing a circle to represent the outer boundary. Then, divide the circle into 100 equal parts using a protractor, and connect the points to form the sides of the hectagon. Ensure that each side is of equal length to maintain the shape's symmetry.
Here is a site for a hectagon:
* http://images.Google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cf/Hectagon.png/600px-Hectagon.png&imgrefurl=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hectagon.png&usg=__FQBx_cGH2noBNnxA2OSojluUSe4=&h=600&w=600&sz=41&hl=en&start=1&sig2=QDAKuu8NUTHdm91dPUAUgA&um=1&tbnid=yAJzOFJsrGpEPM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhectagon%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=27XWSZm7D5OsMoG8-OYO
A hectagon has 100 sides A hexagon has 6 And a heptagon has 7
50 Since a hectagon has 100 sides
A hectagon has 9 lines of symmetry!
Ok, So, no. A 8 sided shape is an octogon. A hectagon has 100 sides. Hope this helps!^^^ No, a hectagon doesn't have 8 sides or 100 sides. A hectagon has 7 sides. A decagon has 10 sides. hecta=7 and deca=10. Just as tri in triangle means 3.
A hectagon has 100 sides A hexagon has 6 And a heptagon has 7
hectagon hectagon
50 Since a hectagon has 100 sides
A hectagon has 9 lines of symmetry!
A hectagon has a hundred sides, it looks almost round.
i dont know, find a hectagon and count the sides trololo
A hectagon has 100 sides. It might be confused with a heptagon which has 7 sides.
A hectagon (or hectogon) is a Polygon with 100 angles.A heptagon has 7, and a hexagon has 6.
Ok, So, no. A 8 sided shape is an octogon. A hectagon has 100 sides. Hope this helps!^^^ No, a hectagon doesn't have 8 sides or 100 sides. A hectagon has 7 sides. A decagon has 10 sides. hecta=7 and deca=10. Just as tri in triangle means 3.
No, Its an octagon.