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Q: A plant smaller than a fingernail?
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How small is a baby green tree frog?

Usually smaller than your fingernail.

How big is an hamsters penis?

A hamster's penis is typically around 1-2 millimeters in size. It is not easily visible unless you specifically look for it.

Why the number of systems in plant smaller than the animal?

why are the number of plant systems smaller than animal systems.

What is smaller in an animal cell compared to a plant cell?

Animal Cells Are Smaller than Plant Cells

Is your plant larger or smaller then earth?

All plants are smaller than the earth.

What do you feed a tiny leopard frog?

Small beetles, ants, flies, worms, smaller frogs, including their own species. (This frog is very small, sometimes smaller than a human fingernail.)

Why the plant grown under the tree is smaller than the other plant?

A plant growing under the tree will not have enough sunlight for photosynthesis hence it will remain smaller than those plants growing in open fields.

Is there more Germs on a fingernail than a toilet seat?

There are more germs under a fingernail than on a toilet seat!

Are plant cell usually smaller or larger than animal cell?

plant cell - is bigger than animals cell

How do animal and plant cells compare in size?

The plant cell is smaller than the animal cell

Is vacuoles smaller in plant cells than in animal cells?

no actually the vacuole is bigger in the plant cell

Is a virus bigger than a plant cell?

No. It is thousands of times smaller.