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Chilln on the dirt road with an ice col beer in memory lane!!

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Q: A polygon with vertices ABCDEF is a?
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How do you determine vertices of a polygon?

The vertices are the "points" of a polygon.

A polygon had nineteen many vertices does the polygon have?

19. sides=vertices

A polygon has 12 sides how many vertices does the polygon have?

Twelve. The number of sides and vertices in a polygon are always the same.

How many vertices does a seven-sided polygon have?

A polygon has the same amount of vertices as it does sides, so it would have 7 vertices.

Which polygon has more than 5 vertices?

Every polygon that is not a triabgle (3 vertices), quadrilateral (4 vertices) or pentagon (5 vertices) has more than 5 vertices.

What is six-sides polygon and how many vertices?

A 6 sided polygon is an hexagon which has 6 vertices

What polygon has 9 vertices?

A polygon with nine vertices also has nine sides, and is therefore a "nonagon".

A polygon has fourteen vertices How many sides does the polygon have?

Fourteen. Each polygons has the same number of sides as it has vertices. Therefore, a polygon with 14 vertices must have 14 sides.

How many many vertices would a 20 sided polygon have?

A polygon has as many vertices as it has sides and so in this case it will have 20 vertices.

How many vertices would there be if you had a 20-sided polygon?

A 20-sided polygon is called an icosagon. In geometry, a polygon with n sides has n vertices. Therefore, a 20-sided polygon would have 20 vertices. Each vertex represents a point where two sides of the polygon intersect.

A polygon has twelve vertices how many sides the polygon have?

12 sides, 12 angles, 12 vertices

What is a pollygon with 5 sides and 5 vertices?

A polygon with 5 sides/vertices is called a pentagon.